This section collates external links to free resources, articles, reading materials on the subjects of interest to mobility and transportation for the older adults and persons with disabilities.
- Eisenberg, Y., Hofstra, A., & Twardzik, E. (2024). Quantifying active travel among people with disabilities in the US. Disability and Health Journal, 101615.
- Eisenberg Y, Hayes M, Hofstra A, Labbé D, Gould R, Jones R. (2024) Performance Metrics for Implementation of Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plans. Urban Science. 8(2),27.
- Buehler, R. Pucher,J., Wittwer, R. & Gerike, R. (2024). Travel Behavior of Older Adults in the USA, 2001-2017. Travel Behaviour and Society
Volume 36, July 2024, 100783. - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. (2024) Brief 24.5. Machine Learning Approaches for Populations’ Hard-to-Capture Commuting Behavior. Commuting in America: The National Report on Commuting Patterns and Trends.